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Judd Rubin

Meet Your Host - Judd Rubin

Hello! I’m Judd. My friends and I here at DesignSmart are always happy to connect with you, but if you’d like to learn about some of DesignSmart’s most popular features before scheduling a demo, have a look at some of the videos below.

Each video is around 3 minutes. After watching them, you can decide which features you’d like us to focus on in a demo so we can spend as much time going over what’s most important to you. And feel free to reach out to me directly. I’d love to learn about how your firm works and discuss with you the different ways DesignSmart’s software and services can help your firm be more successful.

e – Judd@DesignSmart.Tech

p – (213) 770-4131

Project Dashboard
What every designer should know about QuickBooks
DesignSmart can be customized to work the way you do
Working With Images
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Project Dashboard
The Project Dashboard makes it easier to stay on top of all of your projects and ensure that important tasks don't slip through the cracks.
What every designer should know about QuickBooks
This video will reveal a very important reason why you should consider using QuickBooks.
DesignSmart can be customized to work the way you do
You are unique and your firm is unique, so why settle for one-size-fits-all project management software when you can have a project management system customized to work the way you need it to work?
Working With Images
Learn how to add images to DesignSmart and the various ways you can use them to present your design concepts to your clients.
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Hint: if you want to see the videos in full screen, then after you start the video, click on the icon below the video that has four arrows pointing to the corners.